Thursday, November 02, 2006

Spending spree

We've kinda been on a little spending spree lately. First the fridge - got the bill the other day, it was $848. But we put it on our Discover bill which has the cash back bonus. And we religiously pay off our bills every month. Last night someone came by and bought our old refrigerator for $100 cash. I put a free ad online for it. Plus we'll be getting about $20 gift card from Best Buy for buying the fridge and using their rewards program. They used to charge for their rewards program but when we bought the fridge, they said its now free to join so we signed up and will be getting a giftcard in the mail from them.

We've been needing a second cellphone. So I bought a new fancy one on ebay for $150 and a sim card with 150 minutes ($8). We use T-mobile but we don't get good reception at our house (a problem with many of the cell providers in our area).

To save money, we changed the service plan with T-mobile on my phone. We had been paying about $25 a month for very limited daytime minutes and unlimited weekends. (the main reason I have the cell phone is just for emergencies incase the school needs to call me while I'm out shopping).

So I changed it to T-mobile's prepaid service (with no monthly fees) and just bought $100 worth of minutes (1000 minutes) that will be good for a year. So instead of paying $300 a year for my cellphone, it will be just $100.

Oh and my husband bought a beemer. A 2002 BMW motorcycle that he found on ebay (has less less 7,000 miles on it). Paid cash for it. Will sell his old motorcycle, a Kawasaki Concours which has about 40,000 miles on it.

Looking forward to this Saturday - there's an indoor yardsale that should be good.

1 comment:

  1. Your local electric co. should have a rebate for purchasing a lower energy consumption. Usually, its attached to the refrigerator. Call, its worth asking.
