Saturday, January 14, 2006

Did I tell you my resolution this year?

My New Years resolution for 2006 is to declutter my house. It's gonna be a challenge since I don't like to throw things away and I like to always buy stuff. I definitely need to hold a few yardsales this year and donate the still useable stuff. Today I declutted some plastic food containers that have seen better days.

I went to the church yardsale today. Since it had an early start time, I was home before my husband even knew I was gone! Bought a few neat vintage Christmas items for .50 each and some Disney videos for only .25 each. And a new crown for myself for a nickle - it's a fancy beaded one from Barbie. So now I am back to having 2 crowns. As a yardsalequeen - I have to have a crown or two! My last one (which I trash-picked several months ago and mentioned on the blog) got broken by my son (no he wasn't wearing it!) so I threw it away. Yep, I threw it in the trash rather than trying to duct-tape it together :)

My best buy in a "real" store this week was at CVS. Went to a few other CVS stores to check out their 90% off Christmas and at one I found a Lucky perfume gift set that was originally $9.99 and at 90% off it was only .99. Will probably keep for myself.

I am still mourning the loss of my favorite radio station Z104 It was a shock to turn on my radio one day and instead of hearing my favorite radio personalities and great music, I heard classical! It was such big news that it was on the cover of the Washington Post. I had been listening to it since 1990. Of course I listen to other stuff (Don & Mike occasionally and used to listen to Howard Stern) but Z104 was my primary station. Billy Bush (from Access Hollywood) used to be the morning DJ years ago and his show was called "Billy Bush and the Bush League". And if Sean Sellers (afternoon DJ) is reading this, I miss hearing about your buys! And I miss Howard Stern too, but not enough yet to get Sirius.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris,

    I feel your pain about the loss of your fav radio station. I still miss my morning show crew in Michigan, and I've been in Texas over 2 years now. I loved Drew and Mike on WRIF 101.1, the "Home of Rock and Roll" and also the famous Arthur Penhallow, famous for his "BABY". He is a RIF icon of 30 years or so (and he looks it, LOL), but he is still the Motor City Rocker. I listened to Howard Stern occassionally, but could only take so much of him after awhile. He really is a PIG. Donny Bonaduce (Partridge Family Danny) was a local radio personality for a couple of years before he left to go to LA. And Mark Harmon's sister Kelly, also sister to Rick(y) Nelson's ex-wife Kris, was a local celebrity who also did commercials for Tic-Tac breath mints. My SIL's best friend's daughter Julie, from Michigan, was Tom Arnold's second wife for awhile (after Roseanne). So there is some useless but interesting information about Michigan from the former Michiganian (or is it Michigander) now Texan Debbie (Military Mom). Love your site and all the links that go along with it. Thanks, and keep up the good work.

